Funny this time of the year, when the whole calender has gone by, when you realized how swiftly every month went and how you have evolved in 366 days (leap yr) and how much.. ?
Well, who gives a shit isn't it ??
Nah, we might not be too pensive about it, but i guess, somewhere somehow we all think the aforementioned. Neways, its been great year with galore of emotions ( as always ) n with Liverpool going into Christmas sitting on the top of the tree, am as happy as pig in shit honestly. Being a Liv supporter, i still have some doubts though about the title challenge they are going to pose come April, but i'm staying positive.
And no ways i could exclude my B'day on my blog. Well uhh, to be brutally honest, it was just another day. Just a few extra calories i guess defined the day. Nothing ecstatic in fairness.
There's something which i was holding back n didn't want to mention ,nehow i guess am over with the moaning period so i should let it out. My iPhone screen is cracked.. YES.. !! I mean NOOO.. But luckily only the front glass is cracked, the digitizer and lcd is fine.
But the pain is still just seamless i tell you.. !! And a thing which i have not failed to notice is that, MOST of the people who got to actually see the cracked screen of my iPhone, cudn't hide their grin somehow. As if it surprised me.. plss ..
Ok, everything apart, I wish everybody a merry Christmas and very happy & safe new year. N thanks for reading my blog :-)
Keep the Faith.. !!
P.S : I'm still can't write about my plans for the new year !! Let the things materialize and i'll be up for it..( IF )
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Another 365 ( +1 )
Posted by Arjun Goel at 22:15 3 comments
Labels: New Year
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
4th gen # 2
Mumbai is shit. Thats all really I have to say for the place. Am sorry am being too blunt or too north indian to say this, but honestly, the place is not worth living. You might have heard this line so many times, that " Life in Mumbai is Fast. " Its really a rhetorical statement if you ask me. If they mean spending more than half of the day on roads stuck in jams with the ever present shit smell. Then i totally agree.. Life is indeed fast. Am not blaming anybody for this honestly, its just a personal opinion that Mumbai is not the place to live life peacefully. Dreams might come true there as most of us say, but i guess it'll be a lot better to put in an extra ounce of effort in your dreams so that they come true in a better place.
Anyways, enough battering Mumbai. I stayed there for 4 days involved nothing on my itinerary. So one day i decided to go to Juhu beach and Andheri myself. I went by a taxi which took me an hour. But it actually look as if seasons changed outside. Damn.. The place is sooo crowded, any place you go. You need some really awesome driving skills to drive in a place like mumbai. Yes .. "Awesome" is the word.. Taxi's change lanes faster than it takes you to give an indicator honestly. But one thing which i personally noticed that, people were calm. Even if you cut someone off in traffic, nobody will retort with any abuse or give some disparaging facial expressions. None.. Here in chandigarh, ok i shud zoom out a bit, lets say, in north people just can't hold off the abuse meter no matter who's fault it is. People here just love to harangue while driving here. The driving sense is obviously not one out of the text book, but Mumbai-ya driving score on the temperament part. And this is totally of what I noticed in those 4 days. Maybe i just got to the see the sober ones in those days. I really can't say.. !!
Anyways, i cudn't go to juhu as it was far off, and i was really put off after a hectic drive and roaming here n there. And hunger was also a major pt. which make my junket a bit rusty in the end. I spent 2 hours roaming in Andheri. I went to SP jain just to see the college and all. Then finally on my way back, rather just as i started, i saw Mc Donalds. I actually cannot write in words how happy i was bcuz i had been eating shit food for 3 days. First 2 days involved hospital canteen, then in house where my sis is living. After eating, another thing which really made my brain tick was the local Railway Station. Ya, you heard it.. !! I was just about to take the taxi, when i had the craziest of ideas. I thought of getting a real feel of Mumabi. And seriously, if you havn't experienced a journey in local train, you have just touched Mumbai. You didn't get into the groove of it.
Well uhhh., I no it sounds way to good..
Last Local
It was around 2 in the afternoon. First there was a a very very big line on the ticket counter. ( sort of line. ) The ticket costed me 6 bucks for the same journey which costed me 25 times more while coming. Neways. Heading to the platform, it took me several minutes to figure out on which platform i've to be on. Then i took the stairs to cross the platforms on which it seemed as if i glided to the top. No kidding.. Mind the pun.. !!
No, not what you conjured right now in your mind. It was as if, i flew with the crowd you no. Autopilot mode.. !! Only thing which have to do ( if you cud do nething else ) is to move your front foot ahead. thats it. The whole direction part will be taken care off pretty well. Just that you have to make hell lot of effort to go in different directions. Neways, waiting for sometime for the train. It finally arrived.. !! Yes.. N boy wat a huge swarm.. Every man for himself in the battle. Fighting and striding and doing whatever u can to get into the train. ( N i thought it was a foul to raise your elbow in football ) ..
N again, a funny thing happened. As it was my first time in a local train, as the train was about to stop, i couldn't decide which coach to get into. It was like calculations going in my mind, which coach had the least people hurdling and easiest to get onto. N the one i chose..??? Was all ladies.. Damn.. Seriously, in my defense, i didn't no that there was a separate coach for ladies. And as soon as i entered, it didn't me long to realize that there were awful lot of women in that coach staring at me. (And that doesn't happen too often :-) ) As if i came in a superman costume in my own wedding you know.. N i felt very awkward but suddenly one lady broke the ice with such harsh words, " this is a ladies coach ". I wasn't actually so offended, bcuz i knew something was fishy. So i got down n immediately looked for the next one. I had to hurry cuz, the train doesn't stop for long. Hardly 2 min or something. I entered another coach and obviously, there's more chance for the Indian football team to make it to the World Cup than getting a seat in the train. There are several levels of luck you know..
Very Very Lucky, --Walla... You got a seat.
Very lucky -- you get something to lean onto.
Lucky -- You get a latch to hold onto.
No Luck -- just try and keep your feet on the ground bro..
So i was Lucky and while standing, you just can sense the (un)freshness in the air. mind the "un". Seriously, there's nothing worse you can ask for than in a humid weather, men standing with one hand raised and standing right next to you. N again, mind you !! We are not talking about ONE man here. Though, the smell sensors in my nose were a bit inured after 3 days for the smell, but seriously, no sensor in the world can outsense ( if thats a word ) the smell in the local train.
Anyways, the train journey was a bit cumbersome ( a bit.. ??) but good thing was, i reached the place in 10 min which took me an hour in a taxi. So in fairness, its actually quite convenient and saves lot of time.
After saying bye bye to the baby boy, we came back to a chillier and thankfully better smelling Parwanoo.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 23:22 1 comments
Labels: Travel
Monday, November 24, 2008
4th Gen #1
Disclaimer - Firstly the title doesn't refer to any Apple products. ( iPods or nething ) Enough has been already said n written for Apple till now. Given that topic a break :-).
Old times
Bombay, oh sorry i mean ' Mumbai ' , i visited long back. Somewhere in 95 or something. I clearly don't remember, but it was when Essel world was one thing which had to be checked in your itinerary no matter from where you manage to squeeze time. But any ways, I have a faint memory about Bombay, ( ya bcuz it was called this when i went earlier ) Juhu beach, where i had this extremely spicy Bhel Puri, and i remember meeting Salman Khan and Karishma Kapoor.
New Times
But, i got a chance to go back to Mumbai last week , bcuz hey !! My sis became a Mum, my mum became a nani and i became a Mama. :-) I wasn't actually sooo excited about the whole thing before, maybe bcuz i didn't no how it feels you know. But when i saw the cute little, oh wait, way too little thing lying in the bed, it just took my breath away. I mean, this has to be biggest miracle known to mankind i suppose, when a human makes another human. N oh my god, how small it was. Ya i no am using " it " as an antecedent for the baby, but seriously, you just cannnot refer it with ' him ' or nething at present when its just a week old.
Anyways, going back, i mean the trip from Delhi to Mumbai n then to the hospital, before i actually met my sis and the new kid. I had a plan to go by train to Mumbai but the ticket canceled, so i went by Indigo Airlines. And to my surprise, the airlines weren't as shit as what they seem from their name. The plane journey had nothing exciting but the only thing which i cannot resist to write is that, credit crunch has affected companies so badly, that you don't get free water bottle in planes nemore. I waited and waited a bit longer if the air hostess wud bring water bottles or nething, but nah. It was freaking PAID... !!! Seriously I mean, i've never traveled before where i paid for water. Even GoAir i guess gives you 200 ml water bottles, those 5 rs ones for free. Not giving free water is actually is act of cheapness of such degree, that even the cheapest of the cheap end up saying, Damn,, now how cheap is that ?
Anyways, the flight time went by easily, but it was the time i spent in taxi to get from airport to the hospital which sucked big time. Firstly, before i enter into the taxi, i wud like to honestly pay my regards to Russell Petters bcuz what he said about the shit smell you sense as soon as you step out at the airport is soo soo true. As if airport hired people to shit and go as soon as there is an arrival.
Which century seriously ??
I took a taxi from the airport to the hospital where my sis was. And Taxi is actually the funny part here . I never knew that taxi's in Mumbai were still those stone age fiat.. Damn... !! N to top that, those taxi's still have those button doors, which you have to press to open the door. I never noticed that it had a button system, so i just went for the latch and pulled it, n tried till a cracking sound came, and the driver said, sir , you need to push the button. I might sound insane but seriously, its been ages when i actually pushed a button to open a car door. It was just a normal reflex action you know to open the door. Neways, the driver wasn't too mad about the door lock thing.
The First ride..
It took me 1 full hour to reach the hospital and it was one pathetic journey i must say. But even more pathetic ones are yet to be experienced in this journey, so wait a bit. Neways, the scenes were awful really on the road side and lots of slum areas around the city. Roads not at all wide, too much shit all over, and the inescapable smell is just something which your nose has to deal with. Regulate its meters inside or watever.
The Baby
Slowly edging through the traffic, with dust all over me and inside me probably, i reached hospital to witness the smallest human being i've ever seen in my life honestly. It was soo tiny that i cudnt even pick him , not obv bcuz they are small, just that bcuz they are soo delicate and have soft or less bones gives you a feel that they'll wobble out from your hands or something. Anyways, on the first day, i was scared to pick it up, so just spent few min playing with it. Babies are just so much full of expressions honestly. Not that elder people are not expressive, but what you get from babies is something more candid. Although right now, a week old child wont do much on the expression part. All they do is sleep and shit. n thats what made me call him " Shit machine ". Seriously. sleep n shit. !! That sums up the day for them really.
There's a bit more to the trip.. will continue..
Posted by Arjun Goel at 23:50 0 comments
Thursday, October 30, 2008
A very happy Diwali to all.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 20:08 1 comments
Friday, October 24, 2008
Posted by Arjun Goel at 22:05 2 comments
Thursday, October 9, 2008
I didn't plan to chip in back to back posts, but one thing led to another and it was worth every effort of mine to come back on my blog.
1. You’re a member of an iPhone forum --- Hell ya i'm
2. You posted more than 500 posts in this forum -- Not really, but nearing 100 u can say
3. At home or the office, you’ve moved photo frames of your loved ones to make space for your iPhone dock/charger
4. You know what BSD Subsystem is -- plsss, dumb ass question
5. You say the word “iPhone” more than 20 times a day -- make that 100 times day really
6. You’re googling “porn for iPhone” -- Nah, am no more a school kid.
7. You tuck your iPhone in at night -- I wud hav honestly, but swim a lot on bed, so its a risk
8. You think the iPhone could save lives if used properly -- Ppl actually will laugh at this, but someday it'll prove to am sure.
9. You have a nickname for your iPhone -- Heyyy, havnt thought of this really.. shud keep one soon, ( ideas appreciated )
10. Your gf is not allowed to use your iPhone -- I don't have one, but she won't be. Thats for sure..
11. You don’t talk to people who own a BlackBerry -- Nahh..
12. The Verizon Voyager’s ad makes you laugh -- Uhhh ??
13. You would buy an iPhone even if it was $1000-- Not really,
14. You take your iPhone out naked in hopes of meeting another iPhone mate -- Everyday !!
Posted by Arjun Goel at 23:05 1 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
N seriously take my word for it !!!

Posted by Arjun Goel at 01:27 0 comments
Labels: Windows
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Been Around
I've upgraded myself this week, ya, i got the iPhone, Finally ! N the word is just .. you know it, WOW. I really don't want to revamp 'my part' into an iPhone blog ( what it seems from the previous 4-5 posts ). But yeah, somehow it makes itself worth writing for time n time again. It is more than just a phone honestly which makes it so special. N iPhone owners will agree with me. Ok yeah, even ipod touch one's too ;-) happy ??
Posted by Arjun Goel at 23:29 0 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
It has been very calm 2 or i shud say 3 weeks which just whooshed by after the iPhone release day. Not that i have not been doing anything productive, but not much to document really or any funny incident which i came across.

Posted by Arjun Goel at 21:34 1 comments
Labels: iPhone
Sunday, August 24, 2008
'The wait' till eternity !!
The title is somewhat misleading i no, ( or maybe not ? ). The long awaited phone or I shud say, paragon ( not the chappals ) of hi-tech gadgets was out on 22nd aug in India. And i don't know whether its a very " inn "thing to line up outside the stores for something very anticipated or is it just me who's being humble and hiding my anxiety ?? but i honestly heard people lined up in delhi for the iPhone.

Posted by Arjun Goel at 01:10 1 comments
Labels: iPhone
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Driving test..
Posted by Arjun Goel at 02:06 2 comments
Monday, July 21, 2008
The Dark Knight
Well there ends our wait for this years block buster. Christopher Nolan produced an absolute stunner, The Dark Knight, sequel to Batman begins of 2005. I was ( as always ) was so excited to see this sequel , though i had to wait 2 days to actually get the tickets.

Posted by Arjun Goel at 22:15 1 comments
Saturday, July 19, 2008
iPhone saga .... continues
Down with viral, Dark Knight's already on its 6th roll now since the opening bagging # 3 ranking on the imdb top 250, missed gym , no classes. What else could possibly go wrong ?
Posted by Arjun Goel at 16:23 0 comments
Sunday, July 6, 2008
First Week at the Gym
Due to the previous efforts of toning my body went in vain, I decided to give another shot at it with a different approach. Joined gym with my friend Maninder this week. Having a contrasting body type ( he's all bones ) , we set on different schedules with different meal program. The motto of his program is, EAT ! thats it. Eat every damn thing he wants to. Well, ehh things turn 180 in my case, its all Salads, fruits, black coffee ( w/o sugar ) and egg white. But am actually enjoying my diet scheme and following it regularly.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 13:14 3 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Water water every where, but not a single drop to drink !!
With monsoon's overtaken the summers ( ?? ), its been a peaceful May-June this year. Nothing much in my life which is edging towards a new turn.

This monsoon, it could be the greatest interspecies rescue since since the Autobots (Transformers) last year. A mouse on a frog is anything but fun.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 10:58 2 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
iPhone 3G
Listening to live audio feed of WWDC yesterday with lazy ass CD and ever excited ajgar, it was myriad of emotions really listening to the whole conference. Why myriad ? I'll tell u later.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 21:32 0 comments
Labels: iPhone
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Well, 6th June is the day when it really throttled my thrusters to take it to the next level, not that it has to anything with the 5 rs fuel hike mind you. Just that, I erased the "un" and became employed. But really, its not that i've got the boost and already on the 7th heaven, its something which even am not sure what part of me to agree with. The one which bounced off the roof after the interview or the one which sat for while with myself and thought about the whole scenario.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 00:00 0 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
After a traumatic result in the champions league final which nearly gave me a foot in mouth, i moved on, and the Euro's ( 7th June) coming down the pike, have thankfully lifted the invisible pressure off the liverpool fans.
Posted by Arjun Goel at 17:01 0 comments
Labels: iPhone
Monday, April 14, 2008
Euro Trip
Day 0, Terminal

Bounjur no ( Good morning ), Well this is the first word i heard over the phone at 6am ( oh god ). This is a wake up call in the hotels for the tour people. After having to wait for an hour more at the Roma airporte for our delayed luggage, we reached the hotels at around 9ish. The first night in the hotel just went by eating then falling ( on bed ). Morning as i said, started at a time with the feel which i had long forgotten ( or did i experience it ever ;-) ).
Swallowing breakfast with hopes and guess work ( bad ones mostly ), managed to get myself some really pathetic tea. But after some hit and trys with the wending machine, got a nice hot chocolate with croissant finally. The first place we started was with 'The Colosseum'.

The Amphitheatrum Flavium or in simple words where Gladiators ( The movie one ) fought. There are actually no words to describe the Colosseum and its architecture. Despite of so many shambles and holes ( lead was taken out ), the once wonder of the world stuns you really. But the tour people didn't take us inside, which i really wanted to, so all the pics are from outside but i tell you what, pics from outside are enough to just say the word "wow". And never in my life i have experienced such kind of weather like here in Roma ( almost everywhere in europe ), it starts to rain with a flash and stops the minute you decide to dig into your pockets to buy an umbrella.
After roaming around a bit, we headed to CLEMENS XII PONT MAX.

A fountain, or rather a very famous fountain, it possess all the grandeur and art to bolster its importance. Its somewhere in the middle of an alley, where i had some awesome Lasagna ( i just can still conjure the taste on mu buds ). It was something which i never had anywhere, not even close. There were some jerseys as well, though all of all italian clubs but one player's who's fame finds it way in the Roma's alley also is C.Ronaldo. Amazing he has achieved at the age of 23. But the jerseys available here were no better than the ones our palika has. As for that, Roma ain't that rich city but the style, fashion and attitude people carry is something you wont miss out.
Then we zoomed around in the city for sometime before going to the most awaited place ( or state ? )

Yes the Vatican. St. Peters Basilica was ( i wont say the finest i've seen, even india has many work of arts ) simply huge and carved to finesse. I know the word 'huge' injects a slight contradiction for a place like Vatican. But after you see the Basilica, you'll understand the unsuited word i used. I wont be able to write much about it because you'll end up reading lots and lots of awesome's and stunning's for the work of arts inside it from Michael Angelo to some other really big names. The pics got a bit messy inside ( due to i don't know ), sorry for that. I took a panoramic view of the outside of the Cathedral, hope i'll be able to edit it nicely. Here i had some weird pizza which i want to forget really. Most of the restaurants or shops you go in, i don't need to say it but there's a BIG BIG language problem ( Wish the subtitles worked in real life ). Your dexterity will help help the way out or your hand actions might actually end up punned. People who have seen Russell Peters and seen his interpretation of what kind of hand actions people in Italy say for the word Fuck, ( Goto to Youtube and search for Russell Peters Italy ) you'll get the drift of it :-) .
Roaming around for 2 hrs there, we finally started moving towards the Motor way ( for high ways ) through an drop-dead country side. And finally managed to charge my Mac ( Plug is somewhat a prob ) and empty the 120 photos i clicked today. The place called is Arezzo. Its in some far far away land with wine farming everywhere. Its a small town yet very picturesque.
Rest, The story continues tomorrow. I wonder how many photos i'll click in the rest of the 13 days. Damn.. !!
Day 2. Ferenze ( Florence ) & Pisa

After, we headed to Pisa for the very famous, Leaning tower. There is very peculiar but interesting thing which guide pointed out ( not a fact ) that the place near Leaning Tower, there is a place where children were Baptized, then there is a church next to it for the child when he grows old. Then the Leaning Tower itself which depicts old age and just behind the Leaning Tower, there's a grave yard which depicts the end of life, i.e. death. Quite interesting theory i must say and was amazed myself to see all the things lined up in such a astonishing hierarchy. One thing also again which you wont miss is the typical souvenir shops have Bangladeshi owners and lots and lots of Blacks who were quite friendly in their typical Yo Brother style ( I like it honestly ). All these are illegal immigrants. There's a huge lawn besides Leaning tower where people were playing football and nothing to say really but i had a few kicks there as well :-) .
Then we headed to PONDOA near Venice and finally got net for an hour in the hotel, and thank god receptionist spoke english so it didn't take long to get the things working on Mac.

Aqua ( something ) it is called and among the most beautiful places in the world. There are no cars scooters allowed in the city. Just boats ! So we went by a boat to the island. Here we got to see The Morano Glass Factory where glass were actually blown up and given different shapes. Here's a video .
Things not be missed in Venice, the world's only building which is a Church as well as a Mosque.

There are lot of pigeons ( real fat ones ) which jump onto you if you feed them with corns. This was real fun i tell you !

It was so funny, old ladies first came sportingly to feed and then started running in different directions when pigeons sat on their heads. And some of the ladies in our group are actually spending like hell, to such an extent really that they forgot and kept on converting everything they bought with a multiplying factor of 6 instead of 65 ( thats gonna hurt real bad ). They bought telling everyone that they got such a good leather purse for 180 Euro's and when something hit them that everybody's awing to what they bought, they themselves joined the rest :-). Europe, everywhere is too much expensive, whether you go to buy something from a thele wala type shop or a proper store.

This is the very famous Bridge of Sighs which some king got it made for killing people by cutting their heads, Guillotine is the name. Interesting really !
Traveling another 500 kms to Innsbruck sounds scarier than what it was actually. Time passed away quite smoothly watching Bheja fry ( movie ) and then people went to the mic and spoke something which they wanted to share. And for the avg age thing i mentioned, it was a mistake bcuz those were the people who were on the 15 day trip. In our group, people belong from every part of the India really. Some cheap ass started dividing themselves in groups, but Maharastrians and Northies were jelling well. People from south or with big bank accounts ignored others most of the times , even if you sit on the same dinner table.
[ From here, am writing after the whole trip. Didnt get time :( ]
Austria, a German speaking country was a chilly one. Again the 6 o clock wake up call and gulping down breakfast had become a routine. We headed st. to the Swarovski Crystal Factory which has a famous entrance of a grass face with a water fall tongue.

Swarovski is an international brand of crystal jewelry and show pieces, i guess female part of the section knows more about it. It had a 10 min walk in show as well, sort of a museum i can call it. Which had the worlds biggest crystal right in the center. It had a Maharana Pratap's horse Chetak bedecked with lots n lots of crytals, n damn very expensive ones. After the 15 min tour indside, you end up in hell aka heaven for women. Yes, the last thing is the shop where females go crazy. Trust me on this. But not to take nething away from them, the things are simply awesome in the store.
After a guiding city tour of Innsbruck, we went through Zurich, stopping at the Rhine Falls in Schaffhausen. The largest waterfall in Europe !

Sounds good but the good part is just in the sound. It wasn't that impressive honestly having seen the very famous Kempty falls here in india. All we did was, clicked pics, duh and had some very expensive yet pathetic tea.
Arriving at Lucerne in Switzerland on the 6th day, we were all set for Mt. Titlis. Hell ya we were. This was the last time for the skiers this season to really rub off some skills on the board. Mt. titlis in Swiss Alps is at a height of 10,000 ft. There was a heavy snow fall in the morning the time we started to ascend in rotating cable car up the mountain. The moment we reached up, people who havnt had any experience in snow started jumping like kids. The snow was so white, that i bet you havn't seen such bright white in your life. I couldn't keep my eyes open due to glaring snow. We could hardly see anything after 15ft and it was impossible to make out the edge of the cliff, thats why the whole mt. titlis view of the alps was washed out. And when we talk about Switzerland, only 3 things strike our brains, Chocolates ( which i had the luxury to eat ), Watches ( which my mom dad availed ) and swiss bank ( which our ministers are availing ). Oh ya, our country's black money is all up there.

Before heading to THE place, we stopped in Lucerne city for the famous (but not known to many, which includED me ) The Saddest monument in the world. The Lion monument of Lucerne. It commemorates the 800 swiss soldiers who were massacerd in the French revolution in 1792. It was indeed sad i tell u. A dying lion with a spear across its belly. uuhh.. Though people there , specially ladies mind you, had all the attention on the tulips just beside the monument. Then we went to shop ( THE mentioned before ) which has the world record of selling wrist watches and not just any watches, the best of the best you'll get here. Bucherers ! n pls, don't pronounce it BUCHers. say with the german style with lot of stress on CH and say it as Bukerers. You name it, and they have it. Every world class brand in that shop, the thing which was really a shell shocker, the price tags ! Rado's seemingly were looking cheap in-front other never heard brands. Most of all, some Leonardo Da vinci ( IWC ) collection sort of desk which had the most expensive watch of the store ( from the ones i saw ). It was worth 50 lakhs . Damn.. !! You need to earn a fortune really to wear something thats costing the earth and that which does nothing but shows only time. My mum dad bought watches for themselves but certainly i cudn't even think of buying any. The only thing i bought from that place were chocolates. I tell you, i don't have any words to describe the taste of those chocolats.

Next stop while going to Chamonix, we drove through Geneva. Palais des Nations - U.N building was the place to visit in Geneva which had the famous 3 legged chair ( huge ) .
Reaching Mont Blanc ranges, we stayed back in Chamonix and roamed around around in the city.
Shopped a bit there in the market, and there you get to see myriad of dog breeds, some which you wudn't have even heard of. We went to casino in the evening where we just lost lost and only lost. Casino wasn't my thing really, but just had to curiosity to play on the slot machines and wanted to listen to clanking noises of the coins dropping, well this sound you only listen when you win something.

The next day was a long long drive to Paris, City of Lights ! We stayed in the periphery of Paris, but in the eve we went to the place where we can get the full Eiffel tower in our camera lens ( don't no the name to be honest ). Its just awesome to see the lighting effects of Eiffel Tower which start from 2100 hrs and goes on hourly till 0000.

We were then taken to a sort of city tour to Champs-Elysees, the most expensive and one of the hottest streets in the world. ( n where the famous Lido show is as well ). Throughout europe, most of cities are full of many obelisks around the city. In Paris also, there is an Egyptian Obelisk in Place de la Concorde, one of the major squares in Paris.
We also got to see, just see ok, the famous Louvre Glass pyramid outside the VERY famous Louvre museum.

We wanted to go but on tues it was closed. In paris, not infact in just paris, in total europe, you get to see sittings outside the restaurants which is supposed to be a very inn thing these days. So i guess, dhaba's on the delhi chandigarh highway are totally dominating the pizza huts and mcdonalds aye in respect to european style :-) Evening is the time to roam around paris really when its all dazzling with lights. And , to add to the list of things to see in Paris, there's yet another Statue of Liberty which was gifted to Paris by the creators of the original Statue of Liberty. Yes ! there are more than 1, and that too the count is 7 to be precise. ( this number can be wrong ). Entering into Paris is honestly a revelation from the countries like Austria and Switzerland. Revelation in the sense, the people, place is obv which obviously wont go unnoticed.
The next morning, we headed to the Eiffel Tower ( to actually touch it ). n hell its huge honestly. Photos don't really encapsulate the magnitude of the steel structure. We were taken to 3rd level which had some shops and a cafe. The view from the top is awesome really of the whole city. We werent suppose to go the 2nd level but the height of that thing really pushes you to take a bold step to climb 10 stories and boy that effort is worth it. The view gets even better on the 2nd level. It takes time to catch your breath again but the view just emollients the pain.
Staying 2 days in Paris , we set for the last destination. yes London. To cross the english channel, we first headed to port Calais which connects England from Dover. There is an underground tunnel in which trains go and the whole bus goes inside the train( damn ). The journey lasted 35 min or so in the tunnel before we entered England.
This sort of rushy sight seeing scooped out the excitement for the places which i had. But anyways, i wasn't disappointed as we had another 3 days to measure every inch of carpet in london ;-) The best part of first day in london was the hotel in Wembley. The first time i saw the hotel's place ( wembley ) i was delighted to know that the place would be near the New Wembley stadium. And when we headed towards out hotel, from extreamly far off, i saw the white curve of the stadium and started jumping with delight ( ya i no , like the type i mocked previously in this post ). Started clicking pics from wherever i could get a decent enough shot of it so that i could probably say proudly that i saw The Wembley. But clicking shit pics from so far off went all worthless. You know why ? Our hotel was right next to it.

Second day, we came to Ashford, in Middlesex to our relatives place.A nice peaceful place, typical england type houses. The first day ( of the 3 extended days ) , we went for shopping and to some really big toy store Toys are Us.

Weird name i know for a toy store but it was simply awesome, though i crossed the age bar for every toy there in the store but even a 60 yr old will chuckle and have a nice time watching the new gen toys. And i tell you what, had i been 10-12 yrs younger, i would have gone mad with excitement in front of so many toys. Its a heaven really for kids.
The next day, we had a 24 hour traveling ticket for England, where you want to go , however you want to go. We had all the plans chalked out with bus maps to tube maps. Everything ! The whole transportation system is very well organized and brilliantly explained on the stations. We took a bus to the Feltham station from where we took a train which took us to Waterloo Station, which is quite a hub for trains and tubes. We a took a tube for the Madam Tussaud's Wax Museum and stood in the line for around 45 min in the queue for the tickets. But entering in Madam Tussaud's was worth waiting honestly. It was simply awesome ! The moment you enter, you have The Rock standing with his trade mark eye brow raise with Beckham n Posh posing for a pic. Ok, i wont go on touching every facet but ya, some are worth mentioning. Like, Boris Becker and Lady Diana's was statue were the best really out of all. I mean the finest , doesnt mean rest all are bad, i guess all have been made to perfection really.
Loosing track of time in Madam Tussaud's , we went to to the oxford street, another fashion street of europe. Very famous !! But i liked Champs-Elysees more. ( My opinion.) Spending there, most of it was consumed by Marks n Spencers really ( doesn't imply that we shopped a lot from there ) . Its just the size of it which is really mind blowing. And after all, mum were along, so we had to really hunt all the places in London to visit right at the rush hour. We took a bus to THE most expensive store in London, Harrods and maybe in Europe and not surprisingly again each and every brand, no matter even if you havnt heard off, you'll get there. It disguises the amazingly built architecture inside from the simple structure outside.

The last day was a bit relaxing with some shopping and some pizza added to the days list.
London as such you wont find anything that appealing when you come from Italy or Paris but its just that feel of living 3-4 days there what makes London a must-go place in Europe.
Finally , on sunday ( phew ) cuz i had lost track of days in the whole trip which day was which, we headed back to our mother land with 80 % of the plane empty. Came back laying across 4 chairs in the plane :-) Coming back to delhi was hot and i mean that !
Posted by Arjun Goel at 11:31 0 comments